Teaching at Creekford Academy

Teaching at Creekford Academy is truly a creative challenge. As such, our staff have highly diverse backgrounds, a wealth of experiences, and multifaceted skill sets to share with our students and their families. It is however very important that teachers be people first, and active members of the close-knit community that is cultivated here at Creekford Academy. With small classes, and our commitment to parental involvement and participation, children and families will develop strong and meaningful relationships with our teachers. Their individual passions, enthusiasm and value for play and learning, and commitment and willingness to explore new pursuits and challenges is evident in all that they do. While it is their responsibility to deliver relevant and engaging hands-on programming, these qualities and characteristics allow teachers to be active and eager learners alongside students enrolled at Creekford Academy. Staff and students will grow and develop together, as we recognize the value that children have in teaching adults.

Faculty Q&A

 Creekford Academy is an innovative school, so it only made sense to do away with the traditional teacher bio and try something else! Instead, we offer you a Q&A session with Andrew and Katherine that provides a glimpse into who they were as kids, who they are now, and some of their philosophies and beliefs around education and learning.  

Andrew Burns

Katherine Morlog